Perhaps Joy is the Reward - a book by Randy Klassen

$19.00 USD

A heartfelt and fast-paced book dedicated to the Capra trail running community. Inspired by run club members...

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A heartfelt and fast-paced book dedicated to the Capra trail running community.

Inspired by run club members who, for years, told Randy K to "write those stories down," PJR offers insights into the journey of one runner through BC's Lower Mainland trail running races and personalities.

Written for a broad audience, PJR reveals how mental change and physical and personal growth occur when we step up to try something utterly new, challenging, and unforeseen. (Like trying to complete a 100-mile ultramarathon before you turn 60.) It’s a book that will challenge readers to look beyond what they're doing today and ask, "What could be next for me? What unplanned trail can I take? Who will I become if I take that chance?" 

What is being said about Perhaps Joy is the Reward:

  • I want to both devour this book and make it last. – Bridget on Vancouver Island
  • An insightful, compelling, and emotional narrative. – Colin in BC
  • Truly, well done. What an achievement (so many achievements)! Fantastic! – Katie in BC
  • Compelling, honest, and very relatable on several fronts. – Jane in Oregon
  • I couldn’t put it down. I was in imaginative agony while laughing. For me it added a dimension to the resilience it takes to complete a vision. – Davis from Pennsylvania

Randy Klassen is an ultrarunner and writer living in Squamish, BC, Canada.